Education & Training



Training and Education at PSA is a primary concern in order to keep our members up to date on ever changing new technology.


The PSA Service Library – Provides the latest technical information on many popular brands, including fault codes, wiring diagrams, and service information by make and model numbers. The library also includes training manuals on basic service such as refrigeration theory and other technology to keep you fresh or to use to train a new tech at your facility. This library is provided on a DVD disk and can be accessed on the technician’s laptop while in the consumer's home.


PSANet – PSANet is an email network that provides instant communications with hundreds of other servicers and manufacturers to help resolve field service problems. A question asked about a specific make or model is usually answered within a short period of time. Management questions are also discussed with other managers and owners from all over the country. An additional feature of PSANet is that it provides instant industry news as it happens in order to keep you up to date on industry happenings.


Hands On Technical Training – Once a year, PSA sponsors a training event that provides hands on technical training for many of the popular brands that you service. It is a four-day tax deductible, all service convention. That is four full days of technical training and for those on the management side, that’s also four full days of management training for running a professional profitable service company. During this convention, you can become certified as a Master Appliance Technician or a Certified Service Manager.


PSA Vocational Training – PSA works with many of the existing vocational schools to improve access to support from manufacturers to provide product for classroom instruction. PSA also creates in cooperation with the National Coalition of Electronics Education (NCEE) the annual industry skill standards, including competencies for appliance technology that allows the instructor to compare his curriculum with what the industry needs in trained technicians. To insure that students are learning what is required by the competencies, PSA provides schools with a graduate student exam (Gcap) based on the latest competencies.